🇷🇴 Pentru rezervari, comenzi, si alte intrebari ne gasiti la numarul de telefon: 0755759465. Apreciem ca ne scrieti pe retelele de socializare, dar va recomandam sa nu faceti rezervari/comenzi acolo, intrucat colegii de la locatie nu le pot procesa in timp real.

🇬🇧 For reservations, orders, or other questions you can reach us at: +40755759465. We appreciate your messages on social media, but we do not recommend it for reservations or orders, since our staff cannot process them promptly.

Comenzi la pachet


🇷🇴 Comenzile la pachet se pot face in locatie sau telefonic si, momentan, doar cu ridicare personala.

🇬🇧 Takeaway orders can be placed directly in our restaurant or by phone call and, currently, they must be picked up in person.



🇷🇴 Pentru grupuri de mai mult de 5 persoane, rezervarea prealabila este necesara. Avem o locatie mica si trebuie sa ne asiguram ca va putem primi asa cum se cuvine.

🇬🇧 For groups of more than 5 people, a reservation is required. Our restaurant is small and we want to be sure we can receive you accordingly.



🇷🇴 Puteti organiza o petrecere sau un eveniment privat la BUNT, unde sala de sus se preteaza foarte bine pentru asta avand in vedere intimitatea spatiului (capacitate maxima de 15 locuri). Va rugam sa ne contactati telefonic pentru a discuta o rezervare si orice alte cerinte ati avea.

🇬🇧 You can host a party or another kind of gathering or event at BUNT, as the upstairs dining room is well suited for this purpose given its privacy (maximum capacity of 15 seats). Please call us to discuss a booking and any requests you may have.

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