The match of your taste


Where good food meets cosy, you discover BUNT

BUNT is our colorful passion project that is set out to create a cosy and warm place where you can drink a coffee, read a book, have great moments shared with friends and grab a delicious colorful bite.

BUNT In my Plate

Wholehearted vegetarian and vegan food.


De la bun inceput am vrut ceva bun…

Am subliniat varietatea de gusturi si texturi din mancarurile vegetariene si, cu un pic de imaginatie si o influenta austriaca, am dat startul unor dish-uri pline de gust. Experienta ne-a invatat ce inseamna o mancare buna, aleasa cu finete si pregatita cu dedicare.

Farmecul intregului proces e pura daruire si seninatate! De la gust, aroma, nota, caracter si textura pana la atmosfera, context si, fara sustragere, noi, cei care am ales sa ne daruim unui concept in care credem cu adevarat.

Ideea a pornit in Viena, un oras cosmopolit, pestrit, plin de vigoare, cultura si oameni. O buna parte din farmecul orasului se regaseste in noi intr-o maniera utopica, de la experienta la visare. Pe cand ne pregateam pentru vacanta, ne-am dat seama ca acest proiect poate fi mai mult decat un vis, asa ca l-am strecurtat printe bagaje si l-am conturat sub soarele coastei dalmatiene, intr-o vara. Din toate ideile, noroc, muuulta munca si o mana de colaborari reusite, a iesit BUNT!

Aici conceptele se impaca la fel de bine si de usor ca diversitatea Vienei sub soarele Dalmatiei. E simplu, cu suflet si viu. Are o nota de eleganta si e primitor, dar inainte de toate are un spirit liber si lejer!

BUNT in My heart

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BUNT means colorful. So whatever your mood, preferences, ideas or groove, you’re welcomed under the rainbow.

We developed this idea with an open heart. It is your place to come here and complete it! Afterall, “nothing compares to you”…or better than the song said it, we encourage the idea of “nothing beats the odds of a good interraction as long as it happens” :))

For the best reasons we invite you to come and see! You’ll know if you like it cause “noothing compares, nothing compares …” :))

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A lot of it! Music to match your groove, colors to fill your soul and good vibes to keep you going create an atmosphere that will rock the easy going person in you.

Whether on a romantic date, a talk with friends or just enjoying a cup of coffee in solitude on a rainy afternoon, you’re welcomed here to feel and enjoy things your way.

It’s that simple!



Pets enrich our lives and make them so much better. We just love them! So, you’re welcomed to have your furry friend join you for a cup of coffee at BUNT.

We also have a special someone on our team that you're likely to meet. He can look scary, but he’s our gentle giant junior, Atlas. He’s not carrying the world on his shoulders like the greek god he’s named after. In fact, he doesn’t seem to have any worry at all. He’s not vegetarian so your food is going to be safe but please don’t fall for his biiig lovely eyes…you’re gonna waste a good bite if you give him your veggies!

More BUNT @buntbistro